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Add Services

Increase your number of allowed agents/channels. For each added channel a new id will be generated. Be careful, this requires purchasing agents/channels using your credits. You can check the cost of the services by setting simultate=true in query string.

PUT /request=addServices[&simulate=true]
agents: <num. agents to add>,
channelsBasic: <num. channels to add>

200 OK
agentsAdded: 3,
channelsBasicAdded: 2,
channelsBasicAddedIDs: [5,6],
channelsAdded: 2,
cost: {
transactionID: dFerx32dGTt8tg2sd,
ticketCurrency: USD,
ticketPrice: 0.1,
unitCost: mo,
agentQuantity: 3,
agentCost: 2,
channelBasicQuantity: 1,
channelBasicCost: 50,
refMonth: 11,
paidDays: 15,
total: 28