Documentation DWService Basic definitions (alphabetical order) Account Agent Agents Analyze events Applications Backlink Blog Captcha Client Configuration Configure Configure proxy Connection info Contact Contacts Contributions Cookies Copy Credentials Current activities Dashboard Desktop notification DWAgent - Monitor Download FAQ Files and Folders application Group Groups Good password Install the Agent Internet Installation code Installation password Localization Log file Login Log watch application My Account Nodes Open source Overview (Resources) Password Paste Path Payment method Plans Proxy QR Code Resources application Run the Agent Screen application Services (Resources) Shell application Sign-up Strong password Subscriptions Tasks (Resources) Text editor application TOTP Translations Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Unattended Access Unique password Unlock Code Username Videos Weak password Agent installation - step-by-step Windows Windows - Install the Agent with Code Windows - Install the Agent with Credentials MacOS MacOS - Install the Agent with Code (updated) MacOS - Install the Agent with Credentials (updated) Linux Linux - Install the Agent with Code (Graphical User Interfac... Linux - Install the Agent with Code (console) Linux - Install the Agent with Credentials (Graphical User I... Linux - Install the Agent with Credentials (console) Agent management How do I use the service? How do I add an agent to my account? How do I install the agent? How do I install the agent silently? How do I "run only" the agent? How to temporarily disable the agent? How to configure a proxy? How to remove the agent? How do I reinstall the agent? How to set up remote audio on a remote macOS Remote Access Access a specific remote machine/agent Access a specific app on a particular machine How do I hide the notification message? Why am I experiencing a slow connection? Why is the remote desktop resolution so low? Why can't I connect to the agent? How to use the Shell application? Sharing options How do I share an agent? How do I share an agent with restrictions? How to share only a specific folder? How to share a folder in read-only mode? How to disable mouse & keyboard for shared agent? Account management Can I use one DWService account for several users? How to enable 2-factor authentication? How to set up 2FA with a new smartphone? I set up 2FA but I lost my recovery code Subscriptions How do subscriptions work? How does the bandwidth from paid accounts work with shared a... How is the bandwidth applied on paid accounts? How can I request an invoice? Experimental features Workarounds 📁 Files and Folders app - Upload or download a folder 🖥️ Screen app – Error: XWayland is not supported 🖥️ Screen app – Error: XWayland is not supported - workaroun... 🖥️ Screen app - Using two remote monitors on two local monit... ⬛ Shell app - Using authentication for the Shell app 🖨️ Remote printing 👤 Run the Agent with admin privileges on a Windows where the... 💻 Error message appears when installing the Agent: no mounta... Troubleshoots 🗑️ How do I manually remove the agent on a Windows? 🗑️ How do I manually remove the agent on a Linux? 🗑️ How do I manually remove the agent on a MacOS? 🖥️ Silent installation with Group Policy ⬛ Black screen in the Screen app 🔲 Status of the Agent: Unavailable 🔇 Disable audio on the Agent side 🖥️❌ Set up a device without a monitor (headless) 🔁 How to reinstall the Agent remotely. 🥶 Remote control freezing in case of AVG/Avira antivirus pro... ⚠️ Error: Failed to load the Application. Check your network... View Details API Introduction Authentication Request Structure Response Structure Prerequisites Account resource Get Account Info Add Services Remove Services Get Credit Transactions Agent resource Create an agent Modify an agent Delete an agent List all agents Get agent Sessions resource Create a new session List all sessions Get session Close session Develop the web application Open IFrame session Close IFrame session Show App in IFrame session Customize the installer Linux Mac OS Windows Example configuration Examples PHP C# Java View Details