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  5. How to use the Shell application?

How to use the Shell application?

When you connect to the Agent, the Applications will appear. Select Shell. The remote command line opens.

Depending on your settings, you can use the application in multiple ways.

There are parameters that can be set to control how the function works:
"shell.enable_authentication": true

"shell.enable_authentication": false

"shell.users_allowed": [{"name": "*", "enable": true}]

These parameters must be entered/modified in the config.json file.
The config.json file can be also edited remotely using the Text Editor app.

The default paths to the config.json file:

Windows  ⇒  C:\Program Files\DWAgent\config.json
MacOS  ⇒ /Library/DWAgent/config.json
Linux  ⇒ /usr/share/DWAgent/config.json

"shell.enable_authentication": true  ⇒ When the shell app is started, a username and password must be specified.
"shell.enable_authentication": false  ⇒  No username or password is required when starting the shell app.

If “shell.enable_authentication”: true, then one of the following parameters are also valid:

"shell.users_allowed": [{"name": "*", "enable": true}]  ⇒ All users are enabled.
"shell.users_allowed": [{"name": "root", "enable": true}, {"name": "*", "enable": false}]  ⇒ Only the root user is enabled.
"shell.users_allowed": [{"name": "root", "enable": false}, {"name": "*", "enable": true}]  ⇒ All users are enabled except the root user.

An example for the config.json file (Does not request a username and password.):

 "shell.enable_authentication": false,
 "enabled": true,

 "key": "<AGENT KEY>",
 "listen_port": 7950,
 "password": "<AGENT PASSWORD>",
 "url_primary": "https://www.dwservice.net/"

An example for the config.json file (Requests a username and password, and all users are enabled for Shell.):

 "shell.enable_authentication": true,
 "shell.users_allowed": [{"name": "*", "enable": true}],
 "enabled": true,
 "key": "<AGENT KEY>",
 "listen_port": 7950,
 "password": "<AGENT PASSWORD>",
 "url_primary": "https://www.dwservice.net/"

An example for the config.json file (Requests a username and password, and all users except the root user are enabled for Shell.):

 "shell.enable_authentication": true,
 "shell.users_allowed": [{"name": "root", "enable": false}, {"name": "*", "enable": true}],
 "enabled": true,
 "key": "<AGENT KEY>",
 "listen_port": 7950,
 "password": "<AGENT PASSWORD>",
 "url_primary": "https://www.dwservice.net/"

An example for the config.json file (Requests a username and password, and only the root user is enabled for Shell.):

 "shell.enable_authentication": true,
 "shell.users_allowed": [{"name": "root", "enable": true}, {"name": "*", "enable": false}],
 "enabled": true,
 "key": "<AGENT KEY>",
 "listen_port": 7950,
 "password": "<AGENT PASSWORD>",
 "url_primary": "https://www.dwservice.net/"

⚠️ Important: Please pay attention to the use of the “,” character at the end of the line, as it separates each parameter. Without them, the Agent will not work properly.

After modifying and saving the config.json file, the Agent must be restarted (no need to reboot the operating system).

💡 Note: This modification can be done remotely as well.