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  5. 🔲 Status of the Agent: Unavailable

🔲 Status of the Agent: Unavailable

In the event that the Agent’s status is Unavailable, there are several possible reasons.

Maybe it is just a temporary failure on the Agent side, in the Internet connection, or at the Node.
Please check your connection again a little bit later.

If the status is still “Unavailable”, the error will be most likely on the Agent side. Either with the internet connection or with the device itself.

➡️ You can check the following:

  • Check what DWAgent – Monitor indicates as status. More information about the Monitor is available in our documentation here: Monitor – DWService – Docs
  • Check that the Agent is not disabled. (If the Monitor icon is red, it means the Agent is disabled, please enable it)
  • The Agent has a log file that records events related to the Agent. The log file is a plain text file that can be opened with any text editor. If the Agent has been installed using the default path, the log file is the following:
    • Windows ⇒ C:\Program Files\DWAgent\dwagent.log
    • Linux ⇒ /usr/share/dwagent/dwagent.log
    • macOS ⇒ /Library/DWAgent/dwagent.log

Open the log file and check for errors.

  • Test your Internet connection. With Internet connections, it is not just speed that counts, but also quality. The quality of your internet connection is affected by several factors:
    • Download speed – the faster the better
    • Upload speed – the faster the better
    • Latency (Ping) – the lower the better
    • Jitter – the lower the better
    • Packet loss – the lower the better (0 is best)

There are several tools on the internet to test the quality of your internet connection. A few examples:

➡️ If your problem persists, please share your recent experiences and the details with us at support@dwservice.net.

We will do our best to find the cause of the problem and thus a solution.